I saw about this project on another blog, and it sounded like a great idea. Project 365 is a great way to document a year in your life. You take one picture each day for an entire year. You can write a little or a lot about each picture. By the end of the, you will have a scrapbook that shows what was going on every day of that year. How neat! I got started a couple of weeks into January, so I'll be missing a few days at the beginning, but so far I've been keeping up with it! I'm excited to see the final project. I'm certainly not a crafty person, but I will learn as I go.
What I have noticed so far is that this project makes me stop and enjoy the everyday things more. I usually only broke out the ol' camera for things like birthday parties, holidays, trips, etc. Now I keep my camera with me at all times. It has made me document what I always knew--that memories are in the day to day life. I've had moments previously in which I was watching the kids eating breakfast and would take a picture because I didn't want to forget the picture in front of me. This has just made me do that more often. There are so many memories being made here every day. Now I'll have them all together in a book!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
When Momma's on Facebook....
...Ayda finds a way to entertain herself. I saw her go into the bathroom and thought she was getting a kleenex since she was saying, "nose!" About 2-3 minutes later, I wondered why she hadn't come back out. I went to check on her and found my little angel doing this:
Yep, that's lotion all over my mirror. She was having a great time, though! I let her "fingerpaint" on my mirror for a few minutes, but not to worry--I gave her the obligatory, "Let's don't do that again" line. :)
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Book Review: The Language of Love and Respect
I started my 2010 “30 Book” Challenge by reading The Language of Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs. Anyone who knows me well knows that I don't like to harm the books I read in any way. I don't open them fully, I remove jackets so they don't get bent, I don't write in them, etc. The exception to that rule is if I am reading a book that I know I will need to keep on my shelf to revisit over and over. This was one of those books. I got about 20 pages into it and realized I was going to have to grab a pen and start over, making notes along the way.
As the subtitle of the book ("Cracking the Communication Code with Your Mate") suggests, the whole book is about communication. Eggerichs points out that men and women are, by their very nature, as different as pink and blue. Women see through pink glasses and hear through pink hearing aids while men see and hear in blue. Therein lies the problem. He goes on, however, to show how couples can work around those differences, since trying to change them will only leave couples frustrated and in what he calls "The Crazy Cycle."
Behind all of the advice on how to deal with day to day conversations, how to make your spouse feel loved/respected, and how to better understand how your spouse feels, Eggerichs' main point is that the solution lies in your relationship with God.
For a marriage to thrive, a wife should respect her husband as herself, and a husband should love his wife as Christ loved the church. (Ephesians 5:33) The key is that this love and respect must be unconditional. As Eggerichs writes, "Yes, the two of you are very different, and I am telling you to love and respect unconditionally anyway." He later points out that this unconditional love and respect can only be offered to a spouse "by being faithful--to God, to His Word, and to your spouse."
I highly recommend this book or any other books/DVD's by Eggerichs. He has a great insight into men and women and into marriage itself. You can check out the products he has available here. Has anyone else read any of his books or been to one of his seminars?
As the subtitle of the book ("Cracking the Communication Code with Your Mate") suggests, the whole book is about communication. Eggerichs points out that men and women are, by their very nature, as different as pink and blue. Women see through pink glasses and hear through pink hearing aids while men see and hear in blue. Therein lies the problem. He goes on, however, to show how couples can work around those differences, since trying to change them will only leave couples frustrated and in what he calls "The Crazy Cycle."
Behind all of the advice on how to deal with day to day conversations, how to make your spouse feel loved/respected, and how to better understand how your spouse feels, Eggerichs' main point is that the solution lies in your relationship with God.
For a marriage to thrive, a wife should respect her husband as herself, and a husband should love his wife as Christ loved the church. (Ephesians 5:33) The key is that this love and respect must be unconditional. As Eggerichs writes, "Yes, the two of you are very different, and I am telling you to love and respect unconditionally anyway." He later points out that this unconditional love and respect can only be offered to a spouse "by being faithful--to God, to His Word, and to your spouse."
I highly recommend this book or any other books/DVD's by Eggerichs. He has a great insight into men and women and into marriage itself. You can check out the products he has available here. Has anyone else read any of his books or been to one of his seminars?
book reviews
Monday, January 18, 2010
Great Homeschooling Quote
I saw this quote on another blog and thought it was worth sharing:
"In not mentioning God, my public school teachers preached a thundering sermon every day. By implication, they taught that God is not relevant to most areas of life...with every lesson, in every class period, all day every day for twelve years, I was being taught to think like an atheist in the academic realm. And I didn't even know that I was being indoctrinated."
"In not mentioning God, my public school teachers preached a thundering sermon every day. By implication, they taught that God is not relevant to most areas of life...with every lesson, in every class period, all day every day for twelve years, I was being taught to think like an atheist in the academic realm. And I didn't even know that I was being indoctrinated."
Sunday, January 17, 2010
My Sweet Boy
Wyatt has always been both a challenge to me and a joy in my life. He has so much energy and can't seem to sit still for long at all. He's been on the go since he started walking at 10 months old! He has always been able to find a way to get into trouble; we have often said that trouble just seems to find him. He can't resist it. It's been a constant struggle for us.

I think that is the most priceless picture. It is one of my very favorites.
Recently, however, he is starting to mature and outgrow some of that. He just turned 4 and we are finally seeing more about who he really is. He's showing his personality and his heart more and more with each passing month. One thing that we have noticed about him is that he is very sweet and tenderhearted. He will always get up to turn a light on for Makenna or stop eating dinner to walk all the way around the table to get Ayda's fork if she drops it. He takes a lot from Ayda, who has recently started biting (usually only him), and he never retaliates. Of course, it doesn't help us deal with Ayda when he ALWAYS gives into her, but it shows what a sweet heart he has.
The greatest trait that we have noticed in him recently, however, is his love for God. Even through all the squirming in chairs through Sunday School, he has been listening. He knows his bible better than most kids twice his age. There are many times he says something to me and adds to the end of the statement, "because that's what the bible says." Now, keeping in mind that he's 4, he sometimes uses that phrase with things that have nearly nothing to do with the bible. He'll say things like, "We need to wear a seat belt because the bible says so," or "Always wear an undershirt because that's what it says in the bible." We will never correct him, though, since he's obviously learned the important lesson--that we live by the standards of the bible.
Wyatt also always wants to pray. In fact, it can cause quite the argument between him and Makenna over who gets to pray at that meal. Lately, he has combined his "prayer life" and his nurturing of Ayda. He is like a protective mother to her at bedtime. He says very quietly and sweetly, "Come on, Ayda. Get your baby and get into bed. I'll cover you up." Here he is just a couple of nights ago putting her to bed. Keep in mind that the room was completely dark, I just had my camera on night time mode so we could see.
Then, after her gets her tucked in, he gets on his knees, puts his head on her bed, and prays for her:
I think that is the most priceless picture. It is one of my very favorites.
Wyatt is just a loving little boy. He has such a tender heart and a love for God. I pray that he stays faithful to God, and I can't wait to see what God has planned for his life!
Friday, January 15, 2010
2010 "30 Book" Challenge
I saw this on my brother's blog (Dr. Ron's Blog) and thought it was a great idea, so I'm borrowing it. :) It's called the "2010 '30 Book' Challenge." He encouraged everyone to read 30 books this year. I love to read, but all too often I don't take the time to do it. I seem to go in spurts. I'll read two books in record time, then won't read for a couple of months. I want to commit to spending more time reading and less time watching t.v. I plan on updating this post as the year goes on, and hopefully I will reach 30 books by the end of the year!
My list:
1. The Language of Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs
2. The Power of a Positive Mom by Karol Ladd
3. Facing the Giants
4. Adopted for Life (currently reading)
Anyone else up to the challenge?
My list:
1. The Language of Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs
2. The Power of a Positive Mom by Karol Ladd
3. Facing the Giants
4. Adopted for Life (currently reading)
Anyone else up to the challenge?
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Snow Day!
Seven days into the new year and we're having our first snow day. I wish I could say I was excited and able to sit back and enjoy the beautiful scenery, but it's snow. It's cold, wet, and a mess! Since 7:30 this morning, the kids have had one thing on their mind--playing outside. I put it off as long as I could, but had to give in.

I don't think they even noticed the cold! It was just under 20 degrees and they were running around like it was summer time! Ah to be young again!

After a whopping 15 minutes in the snow, the kids are having some hot chocolate and marshmallows and I'm left with the memories, a few pictures, and this:

The good part is that they got it out of their system. They'll be content to stay inside the rest of the day. Snow is much more beautiful from inside a warm house with a hot cup of coffee. Off to start a fire in the fireplace....
I don't think they even noticed the cold! It was just under 20 degrees and they were running around like it was summer time! Ah to be young again!
After a whopping 15 minutes in the snow, the kids are having some hot chocolate and marshmallows and I'm left with the memories, a few pictures, and this:
The good part is that they got it out of their system. They'll be content to stay inside the rest of the day. Snow is much more beautiful from inside a warm house with a hot cup of coffee. Off to start a fire in the fireplace....