Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Meet the Crew

Welcome to my blog! I thought it would only be right to start with an introduction to our family. For security reasons, I will be using nicknames for my husband and kids. Having said that, here we are:

Mom (that's me): I am a 30-ish year old woman. I have been married for nearly 6 years to my wonderful husband (you'll hear about him later). I have held many positions in my life including nanny, telemarketer, daycare director, and high school English teacher, but none of them have been as rewarding and fulfilling as my current position as the keeper of my home.

Big Daddy: Most people think that "good ol' boys" are a thing of the past. Big Daddy would prove them wrong. He's just one of those guys that when you meet him, you know he will be a great husband/father. That's why we met, dated, got engaged, and got married all within 10 months. When you know, you just know! He is a strong, protective provider for our family and still makes my heart flutter when he comes in a room.

Miss Priss: My oldest daughter, Miss Priss, is 4 1/2 years old and is the daughter I never expected to have. She is everything I'm not. She loves dresses, make-up, having her hair done, getting her nails painted, and anything else "girly." That's how she got her name; she's a girl through and through! She's the mother hen of this house--keeping me organized and making sure everyone follows the rules.

George: Ah George...you just have to love him. He's named after his prototype Curious George because as they always said about George, "He was a good little monkey and always very curious." I couldn't have said it better myself! George is 3 1/2 years old and from the time he could move, he has somehow always known how to find trouble. He's so charming, though, that he gets by with a lot (Of course, it doesn't hurt that he's the only boy either!).

Little Bit: And then there's the baby...Little Bit. She has picked up this nickname because somehow in a family of all tall people, she is just littler. She's still tall for her age, but just shorter than the average family member in this house. Little Bit is a ray of sunshine in all of our lives. She always smiles and never seems to meet a stranger.

So, that's us! We are a family of FIVE striving to be more like the ONE who gave His life for us.

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